What is Asthma?
Asthma is a long-term lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways, and tubes that carry air into and out of your lungs, causing symptoms like shortness of breath and coughing.
What is the Normal respiratory system?
The air you breathe in enters The lungs by the way of two large air passages (bronchi) one For each lung.
These bronchi divide inside each lung into smaller and smaller air tubes Just like the branches of an inverted tree.
These bronchioles end in tiny air sacs alveoli are the sites where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place
The outer walls of bronchial Tubes are surrounded by smooth muscles that contract and relax automatically with each breath
The inner lining of bronchial tubes Is the bronchial mucosa that produces mucus to lubricate the airways.
What exactly happens during an Asthma Attack?
During an asthma attack, your bronchioles become irritated by some foreign substance like dust or any pathogen. As a result, smooth muscles around the bronchioles tighten and decrease the flow of air into your lungs. Inflammation (swelling and narrowing of airways )and excess mucus secretion can further narrow your airways and decrease the amount of airflow.
Wheezing (whistle-like sound during breathing)
Shortness of breath.
Chest tightness, pressure, or pain.
One might find it difficult to walk.
Causes of Asthma -
Family history of asthma
Allergens like pollen, dust mites, mold, and pet dander.
Change in climate, pollution, smoking.
Exercise, distress, etc.
How is allergy and asthma linked?
People with allergies are definitely more vulnerable to asthma.
What causes an allergy (allergen) may also cause asthma.
How is asthma diagnosed?
Spirometry test: Spirometry is a painless study of air volume and flow rate within the lungs.It is commonly used for testing pulmonary function in asthma patients.
From family history and symptoms asthma can be diagnosed.
Inhalers (bronchodilators) when entered into the lungs, they relax the muscles which are tightened around your airways. so that you can breathe easily without choking.
Keep your house, especially the bedroom, thoroughly dust-free and clean.
Open windows when you cook or use an exhaust fan to help vent the odors outside.
Take a simple diet with a minimum amount of spices at regular intervals. Have dinner early at least 2 hours before sleeping.
Keep your inhaler always with you.
Use masks wherever possible.
Avoid smoking (passive and active)
If you are already on medications for other disorders or diseases, give a clear idea to the physician about that.
Swimming is the most recommended exercise for asthma patients.
If you think you are having the above symptoms, observe yourself and your surroundings and try to find out the foreign particle which causes the asthmatic attack and avoid it.
Bathe your pets regularly to remove dead skin and allergy-causing dust.
Take morning walks and perform yoga asanas.
Take up a wind instrument - it’s great practice for breathing muscles.
Do not miss any medication as suggested by the physician.
Avoid dairy products like ice-creams, milk, also do not eat junk food, oily foods or any other type of food which may accumulate cough.
Sleep minimum 7-8 hours daily, do not disturb your routine.
If someone around you is having an asthma attack then,
Give them space. Don’t allow anyone,Being surrounded by people will make it feel much more difficult for someone who is experiencing an attack to inhale, which is already hard enough.
Once the attack has passed its peak, let them drink some water. Drinking still water at normal temperature, neither warm or cold, appears to reduce swelling. But, avoid bubbly drinks because you don't want to give them hiccups or an asthma attack.
No matter if they're sitting or lying down, keep them still. Allowing them to move increases demand on a constrained oxygen supply.
If at all possible, remove them from the trigger.
Please do visit the hospital if,
Breathing is way too hard for you.
your inhaler didn't show any relief.
The color of your lips and nails turns blue.
Nice Info ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐