What is Tuberculosis ?
The contagious (can spread from person to person) disease is caused by bacteria “Mycobacterium tuberculosis” which usually attacks human lungs, but it can also affect the other parts of the body. (brain, Kidney)
Since T.B. is contagious it can be spread through air...by coughing or sneezing. or even talking to another person without using masks.
When T.B bacteria are in inactive form, they mostly don't show any symptoms. but if they're in active form following symptoms can be seen in patients.
It will take months to cure T.B. (2-6 MONTHS).
Coughing for three or more weeks
Coughing up blood or mucus
Chest pain, or pain with breathing or coughing
Unintentional weight loss
Night sweats
Loss of appetite
Sputum test after 36 hours you will get results. If it is positive then you have TB. Sometimes sputum tests may be negative but X-ray will detect KOCH DISEASE. So again you are a TB patient. Now you have to start medicine as soon as possible and have to use a mask so that you do not share it with others.
Consider the seriousness of the disease and take medicines regularly on time as prescribed by the physician.
Complete the course of medicaments, do not stop even if you feel better
Have a healthy diet.
Drink 1 glass of milk and eat boiled egg white daily.
Visit a doctor frequently and have scans regularly.
Use hand sanitizer and mask for your and others safety.
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